
These people, practices, and language related to Contemplative teachings are listed due to the increasing influence of the Contemplative Movement. Problems with this movement are multiple and have been addressed on this site. These problems include influences from Richard Rohr and Perennial Wisdom, as well as the fact that the practices are not based on the Bible, but rather on monastic regulations, teachings/texts of mystics, Eastern meditaton methods, and unsound doctrine. Specific areas of concern have been addressed in CANA articles herehereherehereherehereherehere, here, and here, as well as in articles and programs on John Mark Comer. Additionally, there is a two-part article on two popular books by Contemplative teacher Ruth Haley Barton here and here.


Some of the words listed have legitimate meaning in other contexts,  but I am speaking of the common use of these words in Contemplative spirituality. There are too many books to include, so they are left out.


Terms, Places, Etc.

Anam Cara

Be Still (misuse of)

(The) Be Still DVD

Breath (breathing techniques for prayer, contemplation)

Centering Prayer

(The) Cloud of Unknowing

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Practices

Desert Fathers, Desert Mothers

Desert Monastics

The Divine

False Self, True Self

God’s Whisper

Inner Life

Interior Voice

Interior World

Life with God Bible  (formerly the Renovare Spiritual Formation Study Bible)

Lectio Divina

Listening Ministry

Listening Prayer


Rhythms/Spiritual Rhythms

Sacred word/phrase

Sacred Rhythms

Shadow Self

Shalem Institute

Silence (and Practice of)

Solitude (and Practice of)

Soul Care

Soul Shepherding

Spiritual Director

Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Practices/Disciplines

Still, small voice of God

Wounds, Woundedness


Major Teachers/Promoters

Teresa of Avila

Ruth Haley Barton

David G. Benner

Doug & Adele Calhoun

John Mark Comer

John of the Cross

Lisa Colon Delay

Tilden Edwards

Phylicia Masonheimer (promotes Contemplative Prayer, Thomas Keating, Renovare, Dallas Willard, Richard Foster, etc.)

Richard Foster

Bill Gaultiere

Peter Greig

Phileena Heuertz

Julian of Norwich

Thomas Keating

Clare Loughrige

Tim Mackie

William Meninger

Thomas Merton

Robert M. Mulholland

Henri Nouwen

John Ortberg

Basil Pennington

Eugene Peterson

Rob Reimer

Richard Rohr

Peter Scazzero

A. J. Sherrill

Priscilla Shirer

Tyler Staton

Dallas Willard


This is far from an exhaustive list.


Short link for article: