More and more movies and books incorporate occult concepts in the stories. However, because the culture is so desensitized to the occult, the occult is not recognized for what it is, is presented as good, or it is dismissed as not being real. In some cases, the way the occultism is presented captures interest and leads some to explore the occult.
Fantasy and the Occult
Fantasy is not the occult. Fantasy is the use of imagination and imagination is one of the common grace gifts of God that allows man to exercise creativity, to daydream, to wonder, and to enjoy the arts. The imagination and fantasy can be misused but they are neutral traits.
One of the ways that fantasy can be misused, or actually, corrupted, is to blend it with actual occult concepts. The “Dr. Strange” movie I saw (the first one) includes occult themes along with fantasy such as altering time, teleporting, and creating portals. The fact that fantasy is presented alongside of or mixed in with occultism is typical of entertainment today. The fantasy elements can make the occult elements seem like fantasy, or “hide” them as harmless by blending with them.
However, no amount of fantasy can sanitize occult elements. But this mixture leads people to mistakenly dismiss occult portions as harmless fantasy or to confuse fantasy with the occult.
Occult Concepts
I identified several occult concepts in the “Dr. Strange” movie (bolded below). I believe that these concepts embedded in the words and actions of the film can tantalize and deceive without people realizing they are occultic . Here are some blatant occult concepts in the movie:
- The Ancient One (Dr. Strange’s mentor) is called “Sorcerer Supreme:” Sorcery is condemned in the Bible.
- Initiation with the Ancient One: The occult and New Age often have an event that is the beginning point for the student seeking powers and/or knowledge through the occult. It could be a meditation, contact with a spirit being (fallen angel), a ritual, someone saying words over the person etc. The person may or may not be aware of an initiation. Although there does not have to be an initiation for someone to get involved in these things, there often is. I think Dr. Strange’s initiation was when he was taken to Mt. Everest and left there.
- Altering reality supernaturally: A classic definition of sorcery is “bending reality to your will” or to “provoke change in conformity to your will,” said by ritual magician Aleister Crowley. Crowley believed in “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” In sorcery, a person’s will is supreme. Crowley claimed to get this idea from his spirit guide.
- Power over nature: Dr. Strange exerts power over water/wind. Where do we see this outside of the Dr. Strange movie? In the Gospel accounts, Jesus rebukes the sea and wind. Jesus created the universe and has power over it.
The occult likes to imitate Jesus and will present heroes who are allegedly doing what Jesus did. In the popular underground hit film about 5 teen witches, “The Craft,” for example, a witch walks on water. Well, guess who really walked on water?
- Astral projection, or traveling outside of the body: I had many experiences with this before I was deeply involved in the New Age. Astral projection is a key component of some occult practices. Do people really go out of their body? After many years of pondering this, I have concluded that people do not leave their bodies, but rather it is a delusion. If this is happening due to occult interests or activity, it is a demonic delusion. (Going out of the body due to trauma is, I believe, a physiologically caused delusion).
- Exerting the power of one’s will over another’s will or over reality: this relates to #3 above and is very strong in the film.
- “Things don’t always have to make sense” – said by the Ancient One: There is always an element of anti-reason or anti-logic in the occult/New Age/Eastern spirituality.
- More than one reality: This idea from the film is commonly found in the occult and the New Age where there is the idea of more than one truth, or levels of truth and reality.
- “Cast spells,” Conjure shields” – this is occult language. “Conjure” is a word related to sorcery (magic) to make something appear or happen via supernatural means such as summoning inner or outer powers, supposed gods, spirits, or demons.
- “We harness energy and shape reality:” These are more ideas about manipulating an unseen and unquantifiable energy or force, which is sorcery.
- Belief that an object has powers or can harness powers/spirits/energies: This idea is found in both the occult and the New Age. Amulets, charms, and objects used for protection, or those used for healing, such as crystals, are examples.
The Occult and Science
The fact that Dr. Strange is a scientist and attempts are made to make these occult activities sound scientific is a deception. Science and the occult are opposites. Science is based on what is measurable and can be tested. The lifeblood of the occult is the esoteric (hidden meanings and secrecy) and the supernatural. The occult resists testing or manipulates it for validation.
Ironically, the occult attempts to appear scientific so it can gain more credibility (this is also true of the New Age, which is equally anti-science).
A Word on The Ancient One
The Ancient One is a character who figures prominently in Dr. Strange. She is a sorceress and represents sorcery as well as Eastern mystical views about reality that I used to believe.
In one scene, the Ancient One states “things don’t always have to make sense,” implying that reason and logic cannot take you to the realms she can enter. However, you have to makes sense to say “things don’t always have to make sense” or no one would understand you. If I could give a response to the Ancient One, it would be:
“So, Ancient One, does the statement ‘things don’t always have to make sense’ make sense? Actually, Ancient One/Sorceress, things do have to make sense. The fact I can make sense of things is how I can critique your worldview.”
Notice that the Ancient One’s statement is self-refuting. She has to make a sensible, rational statement to say that things don’t always have to make sense, which means her statement is nonsense. If things don’t always have to make sense, why bother trying to say that in a way that makes sense?
The Ancient One takes her place with Yoda of “Star Wars,” spouting a mixture of Eastern spirituality and sorcery.
Let us keep in mind that these occult concepts and practices stem from the worship of false gods (see Deuteronomy 18:9-14.
“It’s Just Entertainment”
Often if one warns about such a movie, the response is, “it’s just entertainment.” But entertainment can and does introduce real occult (and New Age) beliefs. There is nothing necessarily innocent or harmless about entertainment. If a film or book or game promotes occult or New Age concepts, then there can be a result from that (and there has been).
Does this mean one must avoid seeing “Dr. Strange” movies? For younger children, I would say yes because they are too impressionable and have not developed critical thinking. Knowing the difference between reality and fantasy is irrelevant because fiction can have powerful effects and influence. I learned this first hand from children and teens who read Harry Potter or saw movies promoting occult practices.
For teens, (if the parent is okay with the teen seeing this or similar movies), I recommend seeing it with the teen, or at least seeing it and discussing with the teen if he or she has already seen it. Point out the occultism and use Scripture to show what God has to say. Use this as a lesson in discernment. These are just suggestions as it is up to parents to makes these decisions.
For Christian adults, I think the point is to get to the point where you do not want to see such movies or are at least are bothered by them. Every Christian is at their own stage of being conformed to the image of Christ, but Christians are to seek to walk in the light and to be examples to both non-Christians and other Christians.