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January 29
I was one of several people interviewed by former New Ager DOREEN VIRTUE about the card reading done by a ministry called Christ Alignment. Christ Alignment is associated with Bethel Church in Redding, CA, which is part of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation). Although I do not normally deal with the NAR, since the NAR leaders are into New Age ideas and practices, I was interviewed for this to comment on the use of their destiny cards and related issues. I first come on around 42 min. although I am commenting partly on something that is shown around 40 min.
The 2nd time I am on is at 1 hr. 07 min. but the section that is addressed (the use of Urim and Thummin and casting lots in the Bible) is around 1 hr. 05 min. Jenny Hodge, who runs Christ Alignment, is show claiming that the use of Urim and Thummin means that it is okay to use “stones” today for divination. This section goes on for until about 1 hr. 48 min.