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Note: This is not a review but rather a commentary on spiritual themes in the movie from a Christian viewpoint. For a discussion of the book’s spirituality, see CANA article […]

(First published in Midwest Christian Outreach Journal)   Continuing his string of bestsellers after Conversations with God, book one, two, and three, author Neale Donald Walsch has co-authored another book […]

First published in Midwest Christian Outreach Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2003   [Quotes and page references are from Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God for Teens (NY: Scholastic, […]

Are you a teen who has read the book by Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God for Teens? If so, this essay is especially for you.   Conversations with God […]

[First published in Midwest Christian Outreach Journal]   The title of this best-selling book means what it says: the author has recorded in words conversations held between him and a […]

(First published in Midwest Christian Outreach Journal) Learning to see energy around plants and people, feeling that the universe is an extension of your body, being guided by whatever might first […]

The church was founded by Jesus Christ, and he is the cornerstone. The church has a supernatural dimension due to its Founder, and because all believers, who are indwelt by […]

In her book, Eat, Pray, Love (NY: Penguin Books, 2006), Elizabeth Gilbert narrates her journey through three countries, Italy, India, and Indonesia, which parallels the exploration of three stages of her post-divorce […]

“Once you see Jesus as a teacher of enlightenment, faith changes its focus. You don’t need to have faith in the Messiah or his mission. Instead, you have faith in […]

Jim Ballard, an admirer of the Hindu guru Paramahansa Yogananda and other Eastern teachers, is the author of a small, illustrated book, Little Wave and Old Swell: A Fable Of Life […]