More and more movies and books incorporate occult concepts in the stories. However, because the culture is so desensitized to the occult, the occult is not recognized for what it […]

The term avatar comes from a Hindu word, avataras, which means “descents,” describing a deity who descends into human form. In Hindu beliefs, it usually refers to the earthy manifestation of the Hindu deity, Vishnu, for he descends to earth to protect it.

This is not a review but a commentary on some of the themes in the film. Since this movie is part two and is a continuation of “Breaking Dawn Part […]

Note: This is an overview of the movie with comments, not a review, and not a summary of the plot or characters. This movie is part one of the […]

Note: This is not a review but rather an evaluation of the more disturbing content in the movie from a biblical viewpoint. The movie “Eclipse,” based on the third book […]

The story in the movie “New Moon,” mirrors the book; the main differences are that due to time, the movie mercifully leaves out some things and cuts short many lengthy […]

[Note: This is an evaluation of spiritual perspectives in the movie, not a summary of the plot or a critique of the acting. Further evaluation of spiritual views in previous […]

[Note: This is an evaluation of spiritual perspectives in the movie, not a summary of the plot or a critique of the acting. Parents of younger children, keep in mind […]

[Note: This is an evaluation of spiritual perspectives in the movie, not a summary of the plot or a critique of the acting. Parents of younger children, keep in mind […]

For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form. Colossians 2:9 And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, […]