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Heiser avers that Gen. 1:26 means that man is made not only in God’s image but also in the image of the beings of the divine council. This is why, asserts Heiser, it says “Let us.” The “us” includes the spiritual heavenly residents who are also made in God’s image.

Heiser states in a footnote that the Israelites believed that the stars were “animate divine beings” (24), who are the beings of the divine council. This view is promoted in Bible Project videos Spiritual Beings and The Divine Council done with Dr. Heiser. In the video, Heiser states that the biblical authors see these stars as spiritual beings who are “images of God.” This links with Heiser’s teaching that man is made in the image of the Divine Council (52) because the gods of the Divine Council also are image-bearers of God.

This renders humans less than a unique creation, whereas scripture strongly emphasizes the unique status of man. It would also affect man’s relationship with God because it would denote that man has or should have some kind of relationship with the spiritual beings in heaven as we do with God.

What do Dr. Oz and the founder of Homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, have in common?   Both are/were followers of the teachings of Emmanuel Swedenborg – scientist turned mystic, angel-whisperer, founder […]

  Many articles on this site reference “spirit guides,” which are used by psychics, astrologers, mediums, energy healers, those who contact angels, most if not all in the New Age, […]

Anthony William, who bills himself as the “Medical Medium,” has bestselling books, has been a guest on several television shows, does regular radio programs, and has a large following on […]

Everyone loves angels. It is normal to hear that someone who has died is now “an angel in heaven.” There are angel cards. People talk about their guardian angels. Movies […]