Discussion of the New Age as guest of Billy Dyer of The Dyer Truth, Part 3 (links to Parts 1 and 2 below) On You Tube Apple Podcast Audio Podcast […]
Many New Age concepts have mainstreamed by being presented as self-improvement instruction taught in business seminars, universities, government, and prisons. Due to their use of neutral language and disguise of spiritual concepts as scientfic, these have multiplied and spread far beyond their original audiences.
These programs are fueled by testimonials, clever marketing, and promises of success. One example is the Silva Method, also known as Silva Mind Control, Silva Dynamics, and similar names. Behind the glitz of media and success stories lurks a New Age and occult spirituality that can bring spiritual, emotional, and/or mental damage due to the belief system at its heart.
Comer’s theme in this book is that Christians must pursue the “practices of Jesus,” or the “Way of Jesus,” which are the spiritual disciplines. However, there is no evidence that the spiritual disciplines as taught by Comer and others are taught in Scripture, nor are meditation and prayer modeled in Scripture anything like what is taught by Contemplatives.
One of the worst things to do is to make the Bible say sometthing it does not say. It is also deceptive to talk about neuroscience when one is not quailfied to do so. Yet CAROLINE LEAF does both of these things, and more, misleading thousands of people through her talks and books.
Noted writer Richard Foster recommends a prayer from a book by his mentor, Agnes Sanford, on his Renovare site. This prayer displays in part the very disturbing views of Sanford and demonstrates the deception Foster is in for recommeding the prayer and the book, and for admiring Sanford. See why this prayer technique is not a Christian prayer.
Breaking It Down Visualization is more than using imagination. It is a technique that exploits imagination in the belief that it can bring about a result merely through the imagination […]
It is difficult today to avoid the marketing of gems or stones with claims that these gems have some kind of meaning or power. You might here or read that […]
A full solar eclipse will take place across much of the United States on April 8, 2024. Many are already predicting that this means and what it signifies. Does it signify anything? Is this a “sign?”
The idea is that who you think you are is not actually who you are, but is a construct. This supposedly opens the way for one to be free and construct a “new you.” But this is a classic cult technique also found in New Age and other esoteric teachings. Keep in mind that Erhard, the founder of Landmark (originally est), had been involved in Scientology, one of the most quintessential cults in existence and masters at mind manipulation, as well as being influenced by Zen Buddhism.
Heiser avers that Gen. 1:26 means that man is made not only in God’s image but also in the image of the beings of the divine council. This is why, asserts Heiser, it says “Let us.” The “us” includes the spiritual heavenly residents who are also made in God’s image.
Heiser states in a footnote that the Israelites believed that the stars were “animate divine beings” (24), who are the beings of the divine council. This view is promoted in Bible Project videos Spiritual Beings and The Divine Council done with Dr. Heiser. In the video, Heiser states that the biblical authors see these stars as spiritual beings who are “images of God.” This links with Heiser’s teaching that man is made in the image of the Divine Council (52) because the gods of the Divine Council also are image-bearers of God.
This renders humans less than a unique creation, whereas scripture strongly emphasizes the unique status of man. It would also affect man’s relationship with God because it would denote that man has or should have some kind of relationship with the spiritual beings in heaven as we do with God.