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This blog, “Richard Rohr’s Muddy Waters: Learning Rohr’s Language,” by Marcia Montenegro, is hosted on the site of Midwest Christian Outreach, published June 2, 2022    

Scazzero and Rohr Due to being asked about Peter Scazzero, author of The Emotionally Healthy Church and Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, a number of times, I watched three videos for this […]

Discussing Richard Rohr with host Chris Featherstone, 20 min. clip from previous longer program

Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret by Don & Joy Veinot and Marcia Montenegro was the first Christian book written to give the facts on the Enneagram. Please see this […]

The Wisdom Pattern is the next to latest book from Richard Rohr as of this writing (February 2021). It is a revised edition of a 2001 book, Hope against Darkness: The Transforming […]

This is an evaluation and critique of Richard Rohr’s The Universal Christ, not a book review. I am unable to comment on all the ideas found in the book, so […]

Why this book? I read this book at the request of some parents whose children were using this book in a Christian school. It is promoted as a book on […]

More exposure is needed of the teachings behind the Contemplative practices surging through the church, an area I have researched and written on since the late 1990s. The first part […]

What is the difference between universalism and Christian universalism? What is inclusivism? How is universalism related to pluralism and Perennial Wisdom? Is Richard Rohr a universalist? This article attempts to explain the answers to these questions.

As the book progresses, it only becomes more troubling. Benner writes that we “are called to be human beings” and “to be fully human.” (87) But we are created as human beings; we really cannot be anything other than human. It is what Benner means by “human” that makes the difference.

Benner claims we are to

“recognize Christ as the deepest truth of our being. It is not just becoming like Christ but actualizing the Christ who is in us. It is a journey toward union with God.” (99)

“Actualizing the Christ” is a concept foreign to the Bible. But if one is a Panentheist and a Jungian, it makes sense because Christ is contained everywhere in creation according to Panentheism. This is a major teaching of Richard Rohr which Benner shares. “Actualizing” the Christ who is already part of our unconscious as an archetype is to awaken the true Self. This is what Benner means by being human.