The often close replica of New Thought to Christianity deceives many into thinking New Thought is Christian or that the differences between New Thought writers like Frances Scovel Shinn and others with Christianity is not great enough to warrant concern. In truth, the differences are as wide and destructive as with any other non-Christian belief.

What can we say to the claims made by Contemplative proponents? Are their arguments sound and biblical?

One of the worst things to do is to make the Bible say sometthing it does not say. It is also deceptive to talk about neuroscience when one is not quailfied to do so. Yet CAROLINE LEAF does both of these things, and more, misleading thousands of people through her talks and books.

Noted writer Richard Foster recommends a prayer from a book by his mentor, Agnes Sanford, on his Renovare site. This prayer displays in part the very disturbing views of Sanford and demonstrates the deception Foster is in for recommeding the prayer and the book, and for admiring Sanford. See why this prayer technique is not a Christian prayer.

If anything, the Christian faith is one that deals with reality. It does not deny reality or try to conjure up a false one to get a result. Those concepts belong to the New Age and the occult. Methods such as Visualization, Guided Prayer, Guided Imagery, and Affirmations are done as part of relaxation exercises, contemplative practices, and are found on many Bible and Christian apps.

“A prayer ending in ‘If this be Thy will’ simply does not release the spiritual power of a prayer that ends ‘Let it be so.’” (Agnes Sanford, Behold Your God, […]

This article is on the website of Southern Evangelical Seminary Short link: https://shorturl.at/X71kA

What do Dr. Oz and the founder of Homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, have in common? Both are/were followers of the teachings of Emmanuel Swedenborg – scientist turned mystic, angel-whisperer, founder […]

Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow’s book, The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life, alternates chapters by Beck with those by Dr. Ablow. Beck reveals a painful past struggling with his […]

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 22 But I say to you that something greater than the […]