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[NOTE: I was asked to critique this book for the American Gospel 3, and so I decided to put my notes into an article. I do not normally cover the […]

I first read about “thin places” in some evangelical writings several years ago and was surprised this concept had made its way into the church. Thin places refer to geographic […]

Statues and carvings of pagan gods

Horror Film Theology Theology should not come from horror movies (including the “Christian” horror movie, The Conjuring and its offsprings) and bad spiritual warfare teachings.   Paganism and animism believe […]

Over the years I have received numerous messages from people saying they have been cursed by someone, or they believe they are under “a generational curse,” or that their home […]

A popular idea expressed in this blog with widespread impact asserts that saying God’s name “Yahweh” is equivalent to breathing. There is also a video at the link with very emotional […]

The Idol of Breath Breath and breathing have become a focus in our culture due to the invasion of alternative healing, the intense focus on health, and the influence of […]

ASTROLOGY   Q. In Matthew, Chapter 2, weren’t the Magi who came to see Jesus astrologers? Does this mean astrology is okay? What was the star of Bethlehem?   The Magi […]

Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret by Don & Joy Veinot and Marcia Montenegro was the first Christian book written to give the facts on the Enneagram. Please see this […]

For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form. Colossians 2:9   And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, […]

Many Christian reviews of the movie “Noah” by Aronofsky have made it clear that the film departs from the biblical text. But had this film been made by a Christian, […]