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Pete Greig claims Jesus had 4 unanswered prayers while on earth. Is this true?

Peter Greig, the founder of the 24/7 Global Prayer Movement, and author and teacher on prayer, is heavily promoted by JOHN MARK COMER. The term “24/7 Prayer” sounds good until one investigates what Greig teaches about prayer.

The practice of Lectio Divina, or “sacred reading,” is a monastic practice that officially started in the 6th century and developed in the Middle Ages into a process of four […]

Are Christians aware of what John Mark Comer teaches in this book? If not, they need to be. Despite Comer’s avowal of not being an Open Theist, the god in this book is closer to Open Theism than to the true God of Scripture. Beware is the word for this book.

Photo of cover of "Hearing God"

       Dallas Willard (1935-2013) was a highly regarded pastor, professor, and Christian philosopher. His main influence has been on what I call Contemplative Spirituality. He partnered with Quaker […]

What is taught in the videos on prayer and solitude on John Mark Comer’s Practicing the Way Website? Read this article to get some thoughts on these two videos.

Ever since I started reading material written by Contemplative Spirituality (going by the terms Contemplative Prayer; Centering Prayer; Meditation; or Contemplation) advocates in the 1990s, I have come across their […]

Tradition and Wisdom This is from the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation website:   “Shalem is grounded in Christian contemplative spirituality and, at the same time, draws on the wisdom […]

Popular speaker and Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer and writer and Pastor Max Lucado joined with modalist T. D. Jakes of The Potter’s House two years ago in bringing an Easter […]

What can we say to the claims made by Contemplative proponents? Are their arguments sound and biblical?