NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is the art of using language, observation, and certain hypnotherapy techniques to “read” a person and plant suggestions in the person’s mind to get him/her to be open to an idea or ideas. In short, it is a form of hypnosis. NLP, co-founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, is used in self-help programs, sales and leadership training for businesses and government agencies, and personal coaching.

Many New Age concepts have mainstreamed by being presented as self-improvement instruction taught in business seminars, universities, government, and prisons. Due to their use of neutral language and disguise of spiritual concepts as scientfic, these have multiplied and spread far beyond their original audiences.
These programs are fueled by testimonials, clever marketing, and promises of success. One example is the Silva Method, also known as Silva Mind Control, Silva Dynamics, and similar names. Behind the glitz of media and success stories lurks a New Age and occult spirituality that can bring spiritual, emotional, and/or mental damage due to the belief system at its heart.

The author is a former practitioner of Hindu, Tibetan Buddhist, and Zen meditation for 14 years Mindfulness is Ubiquitous There is no way to avoid the incessant promotions of […]

A full solar eclipse will take place across much of the United States on April 8, 2024. Many are already predicting that this means and what it signifies. Does it signify anything? Is this a “sign?”

The idea is that who you think you are is not actually who you are, but is a construct. This supposedly opens the way for one to be free and construct a “new you.” But this is a classic cult technique also found in New Age and other esoteric teachings. Keep in mind that Erhard, the founder of Landmark (originally est), had been involved in Scientology, one of the most quintessential cults in existence and masters at mind manipulation, as well as being influenced by Zen Buddhism.

The church was founded by Jesus Christ, and he is the cornerstone. The church has a supernatural dimension due to its Founder, and because all believers, who are indwelt by […]

This article was published by and is hosted on the site for the Christian Research Journal

First written in 2001 [If you are Goth or are in a vampyre lifestyle, I would appreciate your thoughts on this article. Please email me. Thank you in advance for […]

The message that staying in your head is a bad thing is done to provoke emotional or even irrational responses. Teaching that you are thinking too much or in your head too much is a maneuver to undermine logical or clear thinking . This idea of thinking too much or that you should get out of your head is found throughout the teachings of cult leaders, Eastern spiritual beliefs, mysticism, the New Age, New Thought, and even in the Star Wars franchise. This is a ploy to downgrade critical thinking, an indispensable tactic for speakers like Robbins, cults, and belief systems that are by nature against the true God.

[NOTE: If you consider yourself a fan of Marilyn Manson, I’d like to hear from you. Please email me from this site and let me know why you like Manson and […]